What is ASA?
ASA is the American Society of Anesthesiologists. Membership in the American Society of Anesthesiologists is compulsory when joining the Missouri Society of Anesthesiologists. You must be a member of one in order to be a member of the other. Both organizations provide invaluable representation and service to the practice of anesthesiology and pain medicine.
I am retiring. Can I continue my membership?
Yes, you can apply for Retired membership status if:
You have been an Active and/or Affiliate member for 20 or more years (excluding years as a Resident), and retired from practice.
An Active and /or Affiliate member for 20 or more years (excluding years as a Resident), and have reached the age of 70.
Active members of ASA who are disabled and therefore unable to engage in the practice of their profession for one year or more.
Does MSA/ASA offer a corporate membership?
No, ASA is an individual membership organization, but we do offer group billing options. Please contact Sloane Grubb at S.Grubb@asahq.org for more information.