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The Missouri Society of Anesthesiologists Resident Component Bylaws

A Corporation Charted Under The Laws of The State of Missouri


Table of Contents

  1. Purpose

  2. Membership

  3. Dues

  4. Meetings

  5. Officers

  6. Executive Council

  7. MSA Board of Directors

  8. Committees

  9. Funds and Expenditures

  10. Amendments


ASA Resident Component

ASA Resident Component website


ARTICLE I – Purpose

To organize the resident members of the Missouri Society of Anesthesiologists (MSA) for participation in the state and national anesthesiology organizations, and to assist in the education of residents in Missouri.


ARTICLE II – Membership

All anesthesiology residents in Missouri who are members of the MSA are eligible for membership. Members will be considered active if they attend the yearly meeting of the Missouri Society of Anesthesiologists-Resident Component or indicate their interest to an officer of the MSA-RC.



The Resident Component of the Missouri Society of Anesthesiologists will not assess any additional dues above the dues assessed for membership in the MSA at this time. This does not preclude, however, the amendment of these bylaws to include the assessment of dues in the future.


ARTICLE IV – Meetings

There will be one annual meeting of the MSA-RC to be held at the time to the annual meeting of the MSA, presently in the spring. Additional meetings may be called by the Executive Council of the RC (see Article VI) as needed. Notice will be given in writing to the current active members of the RC at least two months in advance of any called meetings, if possible.


Any business that requires a vote by the membership will be decided by a simple majority of the RC members present. The ballots will be tallied by the Secretary-Treasurer and the results will be made known before the end of the meeting.


The Executive Council will meet once yearly at the time of the annual MSA meeting. Additional meetings may be called by the President of the RC if needed.


ARTICLE V – Officers

5.1 Election of Officers

The officers are: President, President-Elect, and Secretary/Treasurer. Elections will be held at the annual spring meeting to elect the President-Elect and Secretary/Treasurer. The President-Elect of the prior year will become President at this time.

In the circumstances that the current President-Elect was appointed to fill a vacancy, then a President and a President-Elect will be elected at the annual meeting. The term of office for each position is one year, beginning after the annual meeting, running to the time of the next year’s annual meeting.


Any resident member of the MSA-RC is eligible to run for President-Elect or Secretary-Treasurer, providing that he or she will continue to be a resident or fellow for the complete term of office (i.e., only residents with at least 24 months left in their training, as a resident or fellow in anesthesiology will be eligible to run for President-Elect).


5.2 Duties of Officers


5.21 President

The Office of President will be served by the preceding year’s President-Elect at the conclusion of the annual meeting.

The President convenes and presides over all meetings of the RC and of the Executive Council.

The President will be one of the RC representatives to the MSA Board of Directors.

The President has the right to appoint ad-hoc committees as needed.

The President is an ex-officio member of all RC committees.

The President has the responsibility for delegating and overseeing the execution of all properly approved RC business, including, but not limited to, coordination of RC activities at the ASA annual meeting and attending the ASA legislative conference in the spring.


5.22 President-Elect

This officer must have at least 24 months remaining of residency or fellowship training in anesthesiology.

The President-Elect will assist the President in his/her duties.

The President-Elect will preside at all meetings usually presided at by the President if the President is unable to be present.

The President-Elect will be an alternate representative to the MSA Board of Directors.


5.23 Secretary-Treasurer

The Secretary/Treasurer will keep the RC membership rolls current.

The Secretary/Treasurer is responsible for keeping the minutes of all RC general meetings as well as Executive Council meetings.

The Secretary/Treasurer will maintain the budget and execute financial matters.

The Secretary/Treasurer will collect any dues (in the event that dues are assessed).

The Secretary/Treasurer will assist the President in MSA-RC matters as delegated by the President.


5.3 Vacancies.

The President-Elect will fill a vacancy in the position of President if it becomes vacant and will continue to serve through his/her elected term.


The positions of President-Elect and of Secretary/Treasurer will be filled by selection of the President until the next annual meeting when the positions will be filled by election.

ARTICLE VI – Executive Council

This is a committee of all elected officers plus representatives from each residency program in the state.


Resident representatives will be selected autonomously by each residency program in the state of Missouri. Each program will select one resident, along with an alternate. The residents selected may be of any clinical year. The names of these resident representatives will be presented at the spring annual meeting of the MSA-RC. If an elected resident representative becomes elected to an office within the MSA-RC, the alternate representative from his/her program will sit on the Executive Council as the representative from his/her program.


ARTICLE VII – MSA Board of Directors

As stated in the MSA bylaws, one resident representative from each Resident Component will sit on the Board.

These representatives will include the President along with Executive Council members from the other residency programs.


ARTICLE VIII – Committees

There will be four standing committees. The President shall have the authority to appoint ad-hoc committees as needed.


8.1 Bylaws and Rules Committee

This committee is responsible for organization of the RC bylaws as well as any subsequent additions and modifications to the RC bylaws.


8.2 Education Committee

This committee is responsible for collecting information regarding topics of interest to members of the RC, as well as selecting topics that should be discussed at future RC meetings.


8.3 Communication Committee

This committee will write regularly for the MSA newsletter. The Secretary/Treasurer will be on this committee.


8.4 Planning Committee

This committee will be responsible for planning and organizing the MSA-RC annual meeting.


ARTICLE IX – Funds and Expenditures

Any funds collected will be handled by the Secretary/Treasurer and expenditures will need to be approved by the President and President-Elect.


ARTICLE X – Amendments

Any active member of the MSA-RC can propose an amendment to the bylaws of the MSA-RC.


The proposed amendment must be submitted in writing to the Bylaws committee for review (to check format, etc.) and will then be forwarded to the Executive Council. The final vote of ratification will come from the Executive Council and once the amendment is approved a copy will be sent to the membership at large. When the proposed amendment is voted on, a simple majority of the members of the Executive Council present will be required to pass. When a vote on a proposed amendment will be held at a meeting, all Executive Council members shall be given due notice that a vote will be taken and a copy of the proposed amendment will be provided in advance.

© 2024 Missouri Society of Anesthesiologists 

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